Musicawi Silt

from Kaethe’s Impressions of Ethiopia: for Violin and Electronics

Solo Project “Guzo”, Impressions of Ethiopia for Violin and Electronics

Playing to 110,000 people audience, and with a solo feature around 8 minutes

Chicago Jazz Strings Summit Quarantine Concerts, presented by Experimental Sound Studio- 2020

WMI PLUS At Home Ethiopian Music. World Music Institute

Explore Ethiopian music "Inside and Out" with three artists who have unique perspectives: Kibrom Birhane, Kaethe Hostetter (Qwanqwa), and Marié Abe (Debo Band).

Coviddle Tunes Concert, w/Irene Herrmann, Kaethe Hostetter, Daniel Steinberg- 2020

Meet EBC interviews with Kaethe Hostetter Violinist, QWANQWA Band

Kaethe Hostetter | Musicology, Kana TV- 2020

"Akale Wube" Debo Band at the Rock The Block Music Festival

Ambria Jazz 2019 / QWANQWA live in Premadio "Somali" (Dur Dur Band/Qwanqwa)

Fred Frith’s GRAVITY album come to life with 12 person ensemble 2013

Solo show at Frantasia, the largest OUT Festival in Maine

QWANQWA Sizzle Reel 1

QWANQWA Sizzle Reel 2

QWANQWA Sizzle Reel 3

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Dosti Project, Collaboration Fellow - 2017

Kaethe and Irene, mother/daughter duo on Gibson mandolin & Gibson guitar-- Third Man Gibson Girls!

Qwanqwa Itinerari Folk Festival- 2019

Music by Paul Bowles and Faure

as played by Irene Herrmann & Kaethe Hostetter

Tenebre Infinita played by Cacciatore di Tesori

Ayalew Mesfin (Ethiopia) & Debo Band - Gud Aderegechign (Blindsided by love)

Ayalèw Mesfin & Debo Band @ Le Guess WHO?

John Schaefer's Soundcheck on WNYC presents CMJ Showcase-2012

WIth Teddy Afro, Ethiopian pop star, in Meskal Square in Addis, 2020. You will see the iconic violin and masinko battle about 6 minutes in, views were about 1.2 million as of July 2021